MEST4 Preliminary exercise: evaluation

1) Why did you choose this particular recreation and how does it link to your main production?

Recreating a Newsnight report links to my main production, as I too intend to create a 3-minute report resembling a Newsnight feature. I chose this school report in particular for my recreation because it goes out on location to gather people's thoughts on the topic of the discussion which is Micheal Gove's school reforms. For my feature, I too intend to go out on location and gather people's opinions as well as provide my own opinion for my Newsnight resembling report. 

2) What difficulties did you face in producing this recreation?

I struggled to add in my voiceover at first at a sufficient volume. In the end, I managed to add in my voiceover but the volume of it was still a little bit quite. One other difficulty that I faced was with the shooting of the clips; at first, I thought I had enough footage to cover 30 seconds but I fell short when it came to editing because I did not realize how much I would need to trim the clips down.   

3) What are the strengths of the production?

My recreation followed the type of shots from the original report for instance, the over the shoulder classroom shot.  Then, in terms of what the actual shots showed I think I did well to work with what I had and kept adjustments to a minimal so that I could create something that resembled the original as much as possible.

4) What aspects would you look to improve?

Improvements I would look to make going into the creation of my real 3-minute feature would be the steadiness of the shots some of my shots were a little shaky which decreased the element of professionalism to my recreation.  

5) What lessons will you take from this process that will help you with your main production?

Ensure that I better judge the timings of my shots, make sure any voiceovers have correct settings when I add them in during editing to ensure that in the final production they are not too quite. Carefully cast my people for my production to keep professionalism of the production as high as possible. 

6) Now that you are ready to start your actual linked production, explain clearly what you will be creating and how confident you are in delivering this.

I will be creating a 3-minute report resembling a Newsnight report in which I go out on location and gather the views of people from a variety of age ranges about the issue that I am covering which is the negative representation of females in Hollywood franchise films. In addition, to going out on location I will also cast a reporter for my feature who will provide a voiceover with shots that are out on location and shots that they will feature in to provide facts and figures about my topic. Overall, I feel confident that I can produce a feature which looks professional in premiere pro with the skills that I have and anything that I am unsure of how to do I can either learn as a go along or ask my peers for help.     


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