Updated plan
Introduction – lay out argument, primary text and any secondary/historical texts. Present your angle/hypothesis. 250 words.
Section 1 – F&F7 women being objectified. Textual analysis. 400 words.
Section 2 – Is it just women that are objectified? Or do men get objectified too? Does the objectification of the characters both male and female contribute to financial success of films? Perhaps use this to bring in secondary/historical texts. 200 words.
Section 3 – Historical text comparison – The Fast and The Furious against F&F7. Historical textual analysis. 300 words.
Section 4 – Audience research: effects theory. What impact do these representations have on audiences? Full of quotes/research/examples etc. Wider context/SHEP. 500 words.
Section 5 – Hollywood stars and their contributions to this debate (continuing from research above). 250 words.
Section 6 – How have representations changed over time? Where might this debate go in future? Is there hope for women going forward? 250 words.
Conclusion – sum up your argument, snappy ending please! 150 words.
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