Close Textual Analysis: Extract 2 - Furious 7
M - edia Forms
- Girls: Tight, short, flesh revealing and figure hugging dresses
- Males: Tux - Typical upper class party attire
- DJ - More casual attire
- Diegetic sound - conversational
- Background music - faintly playing in the background while Roman talks (added post production - once the shot was taken)
- (0:47) Crane Shot
- (0:09) Low angle shot
- (0:11 - 0:12) Medium close up - Ladies anatomy
- (0:27) Birds Eye shot
- (0:32) Tracking shot
- (0:38) Long shot (Dom + Brian going to the prince's vault)
- Natural lighting - filmed in a tall tower with ceiling to floor windows letting gallons of natural light in. The cameras used to film are likely to have reflectors on them to have allowed the crew to use the natural light to the best of their ability.
- Jump cut - Cuts a few times back and fourth between ramsey + tej (same location) to roman in the main party room
I - nsitution
- Production Companies: Universal Pictures (Presents), Media Rights Capital (In association with), China Films Co (In association with), Original Film (Production), One Race Films (Production) +more
- Distribution Companies: Vary per country that it was showed in some instances otherwise it was distributed by Universal Pictures and its subsidiaries.
- Budget: $190,000,000 (estimated)
G - enre
- Action/Crime/thriller film
R - epresentation
- Abu Dharbian - Royalty (Prince) and his staff (Likely to be Abu Darbi originating)
- American male and females
- African americans
- Upper class
- This clip: BC1C2, Aspirers - May aspire to be like their celebrity idols in the film, Mainstreamers, 50% male and 50% female
- Part of a linear narrative - Beginning, Middle, End
- Links to the previous story - Fast 6: Sixth film of a to count 7 film franchise
Theory Link
"Men act and women appear" - John Berger
Social: Self-esteem and body confidence issues (be like the people in the clip); girls - be skinny like the ladies with a tough exterior to fight their own battles.
Historical: ?
Economical: People spend money they do not have idolising those in the film.
Political: Women being objectified in action films to suit the viewing of the male eye its like their is no care in the world for the feelings of females, they are the dog and obeying their masters (in the majority - a male eye... producers etc... crew)
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