MEST4 Preliminary exercise: evaluation
1) Why did you choose this particular recreation and how does it link to your main production? Recreating a Newsnight report links to my main production, as I too intend to c reate a 3-minute report resembling a Newsnight feature. I chose this school report in particular for my recreation because it goes out on location to gather people's thoughts on the topic of the discussion which is Micheal Gove's school reforms. For my feature, I too intend to go out on location and gather people's opinions as well as provide my own opinion for my Newsnight resembling report. 2) What difficulties did you face in producing this recreation? I struggled to add in my voiceover at first at a sufficient volume. In the end, I managed to add in my voiceover but the volume of it was still a little bit quite. One other difficulty that I faced was with the shooting of the clips; at first, I thought I had enough footage to cover 30 seconds but I fell short when it came to editing be...