Critical Investigation Tutorial (23rd November)
Notes & Quotes document currently around 2-3,000 (work spread over different blog posts) – meets previous deadline but probably not the latest 4,500 requirement. Largely due to lost work needing to be re-done – frustrating! Always back your work up somewhere – blog, school drive etc. In terms of what you’ve got so far, fantastic selection of academic texts – this is one of the best N&Q documents I’ve seen so far in terms of book research. We now want to develop this with web sources and academic journal articles on the M: drive. In fact, we have some brilliant PDF articles on the M: drive regarding women and film so this will potentially give you another 5-10 excellent academic sources of quotes/statistics/arguments. Textual Analysis – this was Task #1 and was due last week. You’ve got something for this but in my view not quite enough. You’ve picked two key scenes from the film and identified aspects of media language. However, you don’t appear to have discu...